Medical Resources – Diabetes Education & Camping Association

Diabetes Devices Information

Best Practices for Diabetes Technology at Summer Camps, Including Tip Sheets – American Diabetes Association iLet Bionic Pancreas System: Camp Diabetes Care Plan Dexcom Healthcare Professionals Resources Omnipod 5 How-To-Videos Omnipod 5 Caregiver Guide Omnipod 5 Simulator App – Apple App Store Omnipod 5 Simulator App – Google Play Store Omnipod Adhesion Guide Medtronic Camp…

ACA Virtual Camp Program Resources – LogIn

Exploring the Concept Virtual Program Platform Pros and Cons Online Tools for Running a Virtual Program Improving the Experience Quality in Online Camp Programming Best Practices for Keeping Your Online/Virtual Programming Safe for Campers What to Evaluate in Virtual or Alternative Programs What COVID-19 Means For Camps and the ASCAP Music License Effective Use of Popular…

Diabetes Toolbox, Basics Of Diabetes Management At Camp, Abby Hollander, MD, Vick Moran, PhD, RN, CNE, CDE, PHNA-B, TNS, Stephanie Kassels, DNP, FNP-BC, CDE, Carla Cox, PhD, RD, CDE, DPT, Kelly Mueller, MS, PMP & Emily Fay, B.A.Sc.

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