Resource Library – Page 2 – Diabetes Education & Camping Association

Resource Library

The DECA online Resource Library includes content, tools, links, downloadable PDFs, PowerPoint Presentations, training videos, and study guides. The content is divided into four basic areas with many subcategories covering a variety of topics specific to the diabetes camping profession.

Topic Categories

Select a category below to find related resources and information or use the search bar.


Administrative resources focus on the generic information that leaders need to successfully operate camps and organizations. Resources include policy examples, scholarship documentation, registration forms, and more.  


Medical resources focus on best practices for managing diabetes in a camp setting. Resources include examples of daily logs, videos on the camp experience, information on technology standards, and more.  


Program resources focus on day to day programming for campers. Resources include activities for different ages, virtual activities, guidance for working with different age groups, and more.  


Miscellaneous resources include manuals that are geared toward college students and young adults that have recently been diagnosed.